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Diagnostic Imaging


We are equipped with the latest in digital x-ray technology. Our xray is used to diagnose a wide range of medical and surgical issues including certain types of heart disease, respiratory diseases, gastro-intestinal diseases, fractured bones, hip dysplasia, intervertebral disc disease and dental abscesses to name a few.


Dr Amy has an interest in ultrasonography, and can perform abdominal ultrasounds to diagnose many conditions, including liver, spleen, kidney, intestinal, urinary, adrenal, and pancreatic diseases. We can also perform ultrasound-guided sampling of lesions and body fluids, which may provide a diagnosis without the need for invasive surgery.

Visits by Specialist Radiologist

We also have monthly visits from a specialist radiologist. He is able to perform referral-level abdominal and cardiac ultrasounds. He also reviews all our x-rays to provide specialist input.