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Behavioural Consultations

Dr Lynn Mathison has more than 20 years’ experience as a veterinarian. Dr Lynn’s keen interest in companion animal behaviour led her to complete her post graduate course in Veterinary Behaviour and then become (via examination) a Member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in the field of Veterinary Behaviour. As well as providing behavioural consultations, she is also experienced in general and surgical veterinary medicine.

Behavioural Problems in Domestic Pets

Companion animal behaviour is a broad spectrum. When dealing with unwanted or difficult behaviours in our pets, we need to look at the whole picture. The way our pets behave is determined by genetic makeup, learned behaviours, environmental impacts and in some cases, underlying health issues. Dr Lynn can help with:

  • Generalised Anxiety
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Canine Cognitive Dysfunction
  • Aggression towards other animals
  • Fears and phobias
  • Inappropriate toileting
  • Destructive and disruptive behaviours
  • Sleep disruptions
  • Resource Guarding
  • Biting, Snapping Growling towards people.
  • Storm Phobia
  • Lead reactivity
  • Car travel issues.
  • Shaking and trembling behaviours.

What Does a Behaviour Consultation Involve:

Initially it is important that the root cause of the behaviour is investigated. Once a behaviour consultation is booked, we will provide you with a detailed questionnaire to get some insight into your pet’s behaviours, their environment and your main concerns.

The behaviour consultation is divided into 3 X ONE HOUR consultations spaced out over 1-2 months, during which Dr Lynn will observe your pet, discuss your concerns and provide you with practical options such as modified training tools that can be utilized and adjusted during this time, environmental adjustments and medication if required. She will provide a personalized management strategy, training resources to go home with and follow up via email. The team at Selwood House will offer ongoing support and work with your pets’ veterinarian to give you and your pet the best care possible for a healthy, happy future.

To book in or for more information, please call us on (02) 4758 8990.